A Colca Tours Transportation
Transport Peru Arequipa, if you dont like organized tours with guides, rent a car, a mini van or a bus and go to explore the places you would like to visit, all our transportations include a driver and transport expenses, private service to Colca. Renting cars and vans for private tours, we rent tourist transportation for tourists, vans with drivers for your itineary, buses and vans to colca to Puno to Cuzco and other destinations..Ask for the prices (we will email you back within the 24hrs.),
Especialists on private tours in Peru for small or big groups, we can also pick you up at your arrival in Lima or other point in Peru and bring you on your selected itinerary: Lima, Paracas, Pisco, Ica, Nazca, Arequipa, Colca, Puno, Cusco or on your choice per the days you require.
For more information and reservation email us to: colcatoursperu@gmail.com
We will email you back within the 24hrs.
About our drivers and transportations:
-Trained in driving skills, mechanical knowledge, first aid, environmental awareness and customer care.
- Supported and maintained 24 hours a day by specialist mechanics, cleaning assistants and our co-ordination team.
-Dynamic and experienced staff with talent and skills approach to coach travel.
All our vehicles are fitted with:
- Tourist transport Nacional licence |
- Seat Belts |
- Adjustable seats |
- Air Conditioning and central heating |
- Background Music and Microphones |
- Medicinal Oxygen and First Aid Kit |
- Fire Extinguisher |
- Slip resistant floors |
- Chemical toilet (only the buses) |
In order to give a confortable trip to our clientes, we preffer not to fill it complety our vehicles, normaly we leave about 5 seats unocupated (this service only for private services but not with our daily local tour in shared groups).
To give more confort to our clientes, we have different capacity vehicles and are divided in:
Transportation 1
Transportation 2
Transportation 3
Transportation 4
Transportation 1:
Buses for 28 people capacity, for 30 people capacity, for - 47 people capacity.
Transportation 2:
Mini buses capacity 10 people, but normaly we offer for small groups until 5 participants.
Transportation 3:
Minibuses capacity 15 people (maximun 9 participants for this minibús in our private groups).
Minibuses capacity 20 people (maximun 15 participants for this minibús in our private groups)
Transportation 4:
Autos for transfer capacity 1-4 people. See!

Ask for the price!
For more information and reservation email us to: colcatoursperu@gmail.com
We will email you back within the 24hrs.